R&D as a Source of Ideas
Each new business idea has a distinctive pattern of development from its inception.
New business ideas may originate from many sources, which can be classified into 12 overlapping groups.
New business ideas may originate from many sources, which can be classified into 12 overlapping groups.
R&D as a Counterpart for Design and Development (D+D)
• Science pursues and applies analytic methodologies, as the goal is to figure out the structure of an existing phenomenon.
• Design follows synthetic (non-analytic) and integrative approaches, as the goal is to integrate a new thing.
• D+D always starts with a product in mind and going back to get it.
• Design follows synthetic (non-analytic) and integrative approaches, as the goal is to integrate a new thing.
• D+D always starts with a product in mind and going back to get it.
R&D as a Paradigm of Innovation
The unit of analysis is ventures (new businesses) that were
able successfully to commercialize a new technology and become
large enterprises.
able successfully to commercialize a new technology and become
large enterprises.